UnitedHealthcare affiliate Bind health plan rebranding to Surest

UnitedHealthcare affiliate Bind is changing its name to Surest, with the full rollout expected to be completed Jan. 1, 2023.


Member benefits, enrollment and ID cards will see no changes, but the new name and logo will soon reflect “the promise of certainty, confidence and clarity consumers want to have with their health plan and their health experience,” according to the company’s website.

The rebranding will continue through the fall, and members will be notified July 13 through email, online and on the company’s app. All digital assets, including a new app and website, will launch Sept. 1. For providers, there are no changes with billing, payer ID or mailing address.

Bind was founded in 2016 and received investment backing from UnitedHealthcare, which also shares its provider networks and data analytics with the Minneapolis-based company. Bind plans have no deductibles or copays, and members can purchase additional coverage for some nonurgent treatments at any time.


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